Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Medical Exam / Police Station...

Wednesday, January 9th:  We didn’t have to meet our guide Michael until about 12:30PM so we took our time getting around in the morning.  We had a late breakfast, fed the fish in the garden and then walked over to a nearby store for some snacks.  Our first stop with our guide was at the medical center.  We arrived a little early so we took a brisk walk and got our picture in front of the Canton Tower.  What a cool looking building!!  Then it was back to the medical building where Lia had her height, weight, blood pressure, a physical exam, an eye exam (even with her glasses, she struggled some) and then had to get 4 vaccinations and a TB test. She was very brave…not a single tear;) We will go back to get her TB test read on Friday…pray it is fine!!  Next stop was to be the police station to get her passport paperwork started and to pick up her official adoption certificate. We were running a little ahead of schedule so we went to the nearest Starbucks for a snack.  The police station took quite some time and the girls got a little restless.  Lia continues to be glued to her Ipod and drives us a little bonkers playing the same song over and over again.  We just make her put her headphones on when we can’t take it anymore…lol!  She is becoming quite a mama’s girl.  She wanted me to go with her and hold her hand during her shots.  She likes to snuggle and sit on my lap.  Lilyan is a little jealous but so far dealing with it just fine.  We got back to our hotel around 4PM, had a little down time and then met my Facebook Friend Jean and her 3 girls for dinner at a nearby Italian Restaurant.  Jean’s girls are 6th and 9th graders and she also had a newly adopted 13 year old daughterJ The 6th grader is from the same orphanage as Lorelle and Lilyan…so that was a neat connection for them;) We enjoyed their company and had a wonderful dinner.  They head back to the states tomorrow. Wish we could too!!  Tomorrow we are off to the Safari Park so it should be a fun day for the girls:)

Early morning crafts...

Feeding the fish after breakfast...

Family photo with the Canton Tower...

By the statue in the lobby...

Medical exam pics...

Lance and his girls...


  1. I love all these updates so far...looks like Lia is doing very well! All the pics are great...and WOW, that is one cool looking tower there! Praying for a negative TB and continued smooth travels!

  2. Lia is beautiful!!! Someone on Children's House International just posted your link. She was with the agency and everyone fell in love with her! It looks like she found the PERFECT family for her. I am so excited for you and her!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  3. Love your posts. The girls all look adorable. Dog completely dressed?
